How can Six Sigma help to the healthcare industry?

Six Sigma is implemented in a variety of sectors to optimize operations by removing waste and decreasing mistakes, as well as resulting in higher revenue and happier consumers. A mistake in healthcare can be the difference between life and death. Where Six Sigma can improve patient safety by eliminating life-threatening errors. Fundamentally, this business deals with life and death situations, where Six Sigma techniques are crucial in reducing flaws that lead to medical mistakes. Six Sigma Methodology – DMAIC Implementing Six Sigma in healthcare doesn’t only help to improve quality but also helps to solve healthcare problem. The DMAIC approach – “define, measure, analyze, improve and control” is a well-known organized problem-solving methodology for business process. Define This step defines who the patients are, what’s the patients wants and needs. And the process capabilities provide objectives for project-based improvement efforts. Measure This step meas...